Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Time for Rest

This is the year folks. It's been decided. The next 11 months of 2012 are being devoted to simplifying our lives, healing our souls, pouring into our marriage and above all finding REST. Rest from information overload, rest from constant busyness, rest from the need "to be" and "to do". The soundtrack of our year is David Crowder Band's newest (and final) CD appropriately titled "Give Us Rest". We have realized that we desperately need to slow down and really focus on ourselves. This sounds selfish at first, but we truly believe that by taking the time to work through our own baggage, emotions, fears, etc. we will come out better equipped for ministry. We don't expect to attain personal perfection by any means, but we know we will come out better at the end of the year than when we started. I have no idea where this year will lead us or what we will discover, but I know it will be a great adventure.

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