I've never been great at keeping up with blog writing. I always start with the best of intentions, but often other things creep in and take up my time and brain space. I shouldn't be surprised though; I've never been good a keeping a journal either. I enjoy writing and find it a great way to record important events and work through thoughts/ feelings. I just get lazy about the writing/ typing sometimes.
That being said, here's what we've been up to for the past 5ish months...
Aaron is continuing to build his web design business. So far it has been doing pretty well for us and Aaron is still enjoying the work. He also started working part-time at Starbucks at the end of August. This has been good for us since it provides a stable income we can budget around as well as the health benefits available to us. The health insurance kicks in today and we are so happy since this will cut our health spending in half! Aaron is loving life at Starbucks and is even talking about moving up to a manager's position at some point. So the web design may just stay a side gig. But we'll have to wait and see what God has planned. For now Aaron is just working hard and waiting to see where things go.
I'm still working as a nanny and loving it. The boys I watch are as cute as ever and so funny. When I'm not working I'm either chilling at home or cleaning/ organizing.
The basement project has been on hold for the summer/ fall in favor of spending time outside. We hope to resume working down there in January after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Although, I did manage to do some more organizing/ sorting down there. I have a nice sized Goodwill pile happening right now. I always enjoy purging.
Church life has been keeping us busy too. We are just finishing up leading two Financial Peace University courses and we are also leading a Monday night Bible Study. We are continuing to work with the Youth Group and hope to revamp our system sometime in January/ February.
All in all, life is good and God is great!
Stay tuned for Christmas Decor photos...we are chopping down our tree this weekend!