I know it's been a while since I updated. Life can get pretty crazy pretty fast around here. I also realized that we never posted an update from our trip to Jamaica back in April. We had a wonderful time relaxing in the sun and spending time together with no cell phones, TV, computers, etc. We were able to reflect a lot on our lives and we realized that we needed to make some changes...
These last two months have really been about simplifying our lives. Aaron decided after our trip that it was time to quit his job and turn his side business of designing websites into a full-time business. That was a big decision for both of us and we sought lots of advice and prayer. In the end, the decision has brought a lot of relief for us and for Aaron's boss, who was also feeling stressed by the music store. Aaron will be done at the end of the month and is looking forward to trading in his Blackberry for a simple, personal cell phone and a land line phone for the business. He is really excited to be able to grow his web design business and is hoping to also be able to help a lot of churches get their websites up and running.
While owning your own business can be challenging and time consuming we are committed to not letting it "own" us. I'm looking forward to having Aaron at home more; especially on Saturdays!
Last Sunday was Youth Sunday at our church and Aaron and I really enjoyed working with the Youth to prepare a Sunday service. It went really well! We were able to make a sweet video with the kids and Aaron even gave the sermon. In keeping with what the Lord is teaching us, Aaron spoke on technology and how it can consume many of us. We love our cool cell phones, laptops, high speed internet, social networks, etc. But as we found out in Jamaica, life is sometimes sweeter and less stressful when you leave some room to disconnect. You can't create meaningful relationships with your spouse, your friends, or Jesus when you are constantly go,go,go and always consumed with the latest technology.
Although on the flip side of that coin, we did get a new TV yesterday. We enjoy watching a good show or movie just like everyone else and our old TV was on it's last legs. Our Youth Groupers can vouch for us on that one. :) We weren't looking to buy right away, but H.H.Gregg had some sweet deals for the 4th of July and our carefully crafted budget (thanks Dave Ramsey!) had some money to spare.
In the spirit of simplifying, we also had a Garage Sale with some friends 2 weeks ago. And after the sale we took all the leftovers straight to Goodwill. No junk came back in the house! We didn't make much money, but we feel better now that we have more space in the basement. Yay for organization!
This past week/ weekend we've been working in the yard and spending time with family and friends. Tomorrow we'll finish up the mulch and hopefully sit outside and enjoy the fruits of our labor (or rather, Aaron's labor). Our vegetable garden is coming in nicely and I'm hoping to have lots of fresh produce at the end of this month. :)
All in all, life is good around these parts. We have our bad days, but for the most part we can't complain.