It seems that this last month has been a whirlwind. Christmas is always a busy season for us. I tried to plan ahead and in some areas I was right on schedule, but in other areas I lagged behind. It seems there is always something to do at the last minute. In the midst of all of this I had a mental breakdown. Not from the tasks of Christmas, but from all the other miscellaneous things thrown at me. I spent too much time online. It seems that all of my friends decided to share deep thinking blog posts at the same time. This is all fine and good until you read 4 or 5 in one week and try to process all of that information. Needless to say I found myself collapsing on the couch one night and begging my husband to order a pizza because I couldn't handle even getting up to make a PB&J.
After my breakdown I did manage to sort out a few things and put the rest on hold. But it just proved to me how much Aaron and I need to develop a missions statement and a good plan for the New Year. TV time and Internet time are definitely going to be lessened and reading is going to be priority. And not heavy reading either. I want to read the Bible for some growth, encouragement and hope. And I want to read some good novels to give my brain a little break from the demands of everyday life.
Exercise and healthy eating are topping the list as well. Stay tuned in the New Year for a more detailed list.
P.S. After my breakdown day I spent a lot of time reflecting on one of the names of Jesus found in Matthew 1:23: "...and they will call him Emmanuel (which means 'God with Us')". The thought that God became a man to come to earth and be "with us" has brought me much comfort these past few weeks.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Defining who we are
Aaron and I have had a lot of long talks these past few months. The kind of talks that become a turning point in your life/ relationship. We've realized that we have over committed ourselves to too many people, ministries, jobs, etc. We've had plenty of input from others about what we should do with our life. Some of it has been solicited advice and some has not. And we've come to the realization that we can only do what God is specifically laying on our hearts and putting in our lives. And because of that we've decided that we need to make a missions statement for ourselves. Much in the same way that a business has a missions statement. You can also call this a vision or a purpose statement. But the basic idea is that we need to decide as a family what our values are and in what direction we are headed. There are so many "good things" we can do. And my wonderful dreamer of a husband can think of a thousand great ideas a week for more "good things" to do. And we could probably find a Bible verse to support many of these ideas. The fact is, however, that we are only two people. We know that with God's power we can accomplish anything, but we still can't do everything. So we need to be clear about the "anything" God has for us. So we can stop feeling guilty about the "everything" we aren't doing. It is our hope that friends and family will show us grace in this area. If we don't follow you to the mission field of China, or sponsor your 5k run to end world hunger, it's not because we don't care about you, or Chinese people, or hungry people. And it's not because we think that God doesn't care. It's simply because we are only two people, with only enough time and money to do what God has specifically prompted us to do.
And when we do complete our missions statement and set some clear goals we'd love to share them with you. Not because we want you to do exactly what we are doing, but because we want to be a testimony to the way God works through each of us in unique and individual ways. And we really, really, really do love to hear how God is working in your life or your family's life. It shows us more of God's heart and His character when you share with us.
And when we do complete our missions statement and set some clear goals we'd love to share them with you. Not because we want you to do exactly what we are doing, but because we want to be a testimony to the way God works through each of us in unique and individual ways. And we really, really, really do love to hear how God is working in your life or your family's life. It shows us more of God's heart and His character when you share with us.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
It's been far too long
I've never been great at keeping up with blog writing. I always start with the best of intentions, but often other things creep in and take up my time and brain space. I shouldn't be surprised though; I've never been good a keeping a journal either. I enjoy writing and find it a great way to record important events and work through thoughts/ feelings. I just get lazy about the writing/ typing sometimes.
That being said, here's what we've been up to for the past 5ish months...
Aaron is continuing to build his web design business. So far it has been doing pretty well for us and Aaron is still enjoying the work. He also started working part-time at Starbucks at the end of August. This has been good for us since it provides a stable income we can budget around as well as the health benefits available to us. The health insurance kicks in today and we are so happy since this will cut our health spending in half! Aaron is loving life at Starbucks and is even talking about moving up to a manager's position at some point. So the web design may just stay a side gig. But we'll have to wait and see what God has planned. For now Aaron is just working hard and waiting to see where things go.
I'm still working as a nanny and loving it. The boys I watch are as cute as ever and so funny. When I'm not working I'm either chilling at home or cleaning/ organizing.
The basement project has been on hold for the summer/ fall in favor of spending time outside. We hope to resume working down there in January after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Although, I did manage to do some more organizing/ sorting down there. I have a nice sized Goodwill pile happening right now. I always enjoy purging.
Church life has been keeping us busy too. We are just finishing up leading two Financial Peace University courses and we are also leading a Monday night Bible Study. We are continuing to work with the Youth Group and hope to revamp our system sometime in January/ February.
All in all, life is good and God is great!
Stay tuned for Christmas Decor photos...we are chopping down our tree this weekend!
That being said, here's what we've been up to for the past 5ish months...
Aaron is continuing to build his web design business. So far it has been doing pretty well for us and Aaron is still enjoying the work. He also started working part-time at Starbucks at the end of August. This has been good for us since it provides a stable income we can budget around as well as the health benefits available to us. The health insurance kicks in today and we are so happy since this will cut our health spending in half! Aaron is loving life at Starbucks and is even talking about moving up to a manager's position at some point. So the web design may just stay a side gig. But we'll have to wait and see what God has planned. For now Aaron is just working hard and waiting to see where things go.
I'm still working as a nanny and loving it. The boys I watch are as cute as ever and so funny. When I'm not working I'm either chilling at home or cleaning/ organizing.
The basement project has been on hold for the summer/ fall in favor of spending time outside. We hope to resume working down there in January after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Although, I did manage to do some more organizing/ sorting down there. I have a nice sized Goodwill pile happening right now. I always enjoy purging.
Church life has been keeping us busy too. We are just finishing up leading two Financial Peace University courses and we are also leading a Monday night Bible Study. We are continuing to work with the Youth Group and hope to revamp our system sometime in January/ February.
All in all, life is good and God is great!
Stay tuned for Christmas Decor photos...we are chopping down our tree this weekend!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Update from the Lehman House
I know it's been a while since I updated. Life can get pretty crazy pretty fast around here. I also realized that we never posted an update from our trip to Jamaica back in April. We had a wonderful time relaxing in the sun and spending time together with no cell phones, TV, computers, etc. We were able to reflect a lot on our lives and we realized that we needed to make some changes...
These last two months have really been about simplifying our lives. Aaron decided after our trip that it was time to quit his job and turn his side business of designing websites into a full-time business. That was a big decision for both of us and we sought lots of advice and prayer. In the end, the decision has brought a lot of relief for us and for Aaron's boss, who was also feeling stressed by the music store. Aaron will be done at the end of the month and is looking forward to trading in his Blackberry for a simple, personal cell phone and a land line phone for the business. He is really excited to be able to grow his web design business and is hoping to also be able to help a lot of churches get their websites up and running.
While owning your own business can be challenging and time consuming we are committed to not letting it "own" us. I'm looking forward to having Aaron at home more; especially on Saturdays!
Last Sunday was Youth Sunday at our church and Aaron and I really enjoyed working with the Youth to prepare a Sunday service. It went really well! We were able to make a sweet video with the kids and Aaron even gave the sermon. In keeping with what the Lord is teaching us, Aaron spoke on technology and how it can consume many of us. We love our cool cell phones, laptops, high speed internet, social networks, etc. But as we found out in Jamaica, life is sometimes sweeter and less stressful when you leave some room to disconnect. You can't create meaningful relationships with your spouse, your friends, or Jesus when you are constantly go,go,go and always consumed with the latest technology.
Although on the flip side of that coin, we did get a new TV yesterday. We enjoy watching a good show or movie just like everyone else and our old TV was on it's last legs. Our Youth Groupers can vouch for us on that one. :) We weren't looking to buy right away, but H.H.Gregg had some sweet deals for the 4th of July and our carefully crafted budget (thanks Dave Ramsey!) had some money to spare.
In the spirit of simplifying, we also had a Garage Sale with some friends 2 weeks ago. And after the sale we took all the leftovers straight to Goodwill. No junk came back in the house! We didn't make much money, but we feel better now that we have more space in the basement. Yay for organization!
This past week/ weekend we've been working in the yard and spending time with family and friends. Tomorrow we'll finish up the mulch and hopefully sit outside and enjoy the fruits of our labor (or rather, Aaron's labor). Our vegetable garden is coming in nicely and I'm hoping to have lots of fresh produce at the end of this month. :)
All in all, life is good around these parts. We have our bad days, but for the most part we can't complain.
These last two months have really been about simplifying our lives. Aaron decided after our trip that it was time to quit his job and turn his side business of designing websites into a full-time business. That was a big decision for both of us and we sought lots of advice and prayer. In the end, the decision has brought a lot of relief for us and for Aaron's boss, who was also feeling stressed by the music store. Aaron will be done at the end of the month and is looking forward to trading in his Blackberry for a simple, personal cell phone and a land line phone for the business. He is really excited to be able to grow his web design business and is hoping to also be able to help a lot of churches get their websites up and running.
While owning your own business can be challenging and time consuming we are committed to not letting it "own" us. I'm looking forward to having Aaron at home more; especially on Saturdays!
Last Sunday was Youth Sunday at our church and Aaron and I really enjoyed working with the Youth to prepare a Sunday service. It went really well! We were able to make a sweet video with the kids and Aaron even gave the sermon. In keeping with what the Lord is teaching us, Aaron spoke on technology and how it can consume many of us. We love our cool cell phones, laptops, high speed internet, social networks, etc. But as we found out in Jamaica, life is sometimes sweeter and less stressful when you leave some room to disconnect. You can't create meaningful relationships with your spouse, your friends, or Jesus when you are constantly go,go,go and always consumed with the latest technology.
Although on the flip side of that coin, we did get a new TV yesterday. We enjoy watching a good show or movie just like everyone else and our old TV was on it's last legs. Our Youth Groupers can vouch for us on that one. :) We weren't looking to buy right away, but H.H.Gregg had some sweet deals for the 4th of July and our carefully crafted budget (thanks Dave Ramsey!) had some money to spare.
In the spirit of simplifying, we also had a Garage Sale with some friends 2 weeks ago. And after the sale we took all the leftovers straight to Goodwill. No junk came back in the house! We didn't make much money, but we feel better now that we have more space in the basement. Yay for organization!
This past week/ weekend we've been working in the yard and spending time with family and friends. Tomorrow we'll finish up the mulch and hopefully sit outside and enjoy the fruits of our labor (or rather, Aaron's labor). Our vegetable garden is coming in nicely and I'm hoping to have lots of fresh produce at the end of this month. :)
All in all, life is good around these parts. We have our bad days, but for the most part we can't complain.
Friday, June 3, 2011
This is how we roll
For the most part we don't vote. We are not planning to have a baby anytime soon. We don't watch the news. We believe in traditional medical care when necessary. We recycle, but I use disposable pads on my Swiffer Sweeper and my Swiffer Wet Jet. We try to eat organic when possible, but we also love artificially flavored fruit snacks and chocolate peanut butter frozen yogurt. We don't own I-phones or I-Pads and we don't really want to.
Why is this important for you to know? That's a good question. And here is my answer:
It's not important for you to know!! But admit it, you do wonder about some of the decisions we make. And a part of you doesn't agree with some of the statements above.
Well here's the deal folks- We don't care what you think. Oh sure, we want you to like us. We don't want to make you mad. But we don't serve you. We serve God. The guy who created us. And so far He hasn't convicted us to live differently when it comes to certain "hot button" issues. And trust me, He is doing a lot of work in both of our lives right now. God won't stop talking at our house. And we only have time to serve Him and focus on His agendas.
So if you think we need to get on board with your plan or your agenda you can direct all your comments to God. He'll make sure we get the message if He thinks we need to hear it.
Why is this important for you to know? That's a good question. And here is my answer:
It's not important for you to know!! But admit it, you do wonder about some of the decisions we make. And a part of you doesn't agree with some of the statements above.
Well here's the deal folks- We don't care what you think. Oh sure, we want you to like us. We don't want to make you mad. But we don't serve you. We serve God. The guy who created us. And so far He hasn't convicted us to live differently when it comes to certain "hot button" issues. And trust me, He is doing a lot of work in both of our lives right now. God won't stop talking at our house. And we only have time to serve Him and focus on His agendas.
So if you think we need to get on board with your plan or your agenda you can direct all your comments to God. He'll make sure we get the message if He thinks we need to hear it.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Garden Time!
Yes, that's right I'm really going to plant a garden. I've never been much for growing things and I strongly dislike weeding. But in my quest to be budget conscious and healthy I have to decided to grow a veggie garden. I'm actually pretty excited about it and my mom has even volunteered to come and help. Thanks Mom!
So here's what I want to grow:
-Tomatoes (I don't really like tomatoes, but my mom and dad LOVE them. Also, I want to can my own spaghetti sauce, so we will definitely need these.)
- Green Beans (I plan to freeze these too, plus I love fresh green beans, so we'll try to grow a whole bunch)
- Green and Red Peppers (These are a staple at our house)
-Onions (another staple)
-Cucumbers (I really hope we don't end up with 500 cucumbers. These things always seem to multiple like rabbits!)
-Radishes (per the request of Mom and Dad)
I'm also planning to grow some herbs. I want to put them in beautiful pots to decorate our front porch. My herb garden will consist of:
*And whatever other herbs I might need for making pasta sauce.
I will be sure to post pictures of the before, during, and after. Hopefully, we will be able to accomplish the task.
So here's what I want to grow:
-Tomatoes (I don't really like tomatoes, but my mom and dad LOVE them. Also, I want to can my own spaghetti sauce, so we will definitely need these.)
- Green Beans (I plan to freeze these too, plus I love fresh green beans, so we'll try to grow a whole bunch)
- Green and Red Peppers (These are a staple at our house)
-Onions (another staple)
-Cucumbers (I really hope we don't end up with 500 cucumbers. These things always seem to multiple like rabbits!)
-Radishes (per the request of Mom and Dad)
I'm also planning to grow some herbs. I want to put them in beautiful pots to decorate our front porch. My herb garden will consist of:
*And whatever other herbs I might need for making pasta sauce.
I will be sure to post pictures of the before, during, and after. Hopefully, we will be able to accomplish the task.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My Newest Obsession
I found out about this amazing website last week called "Pinterest". I was reading one of my favorite blogs- Young House Love- and the girl was talking about how she had recently joined this site. So I went over to check it out....Can you say
It's a place where you can create a sort of digital idea board.
Here's what it looks like:
When you sign up you have to wait about a week to be accepted, but then you can set up your account. It is really easy to figure out. I strongly suggest that anyone with a flair for creativity go check this site out.
It's a place where you can create a sort of digital idea board.
Here's what it looks like:
When you sign up you have to wait about a week to be accepted, but then you can set up your account. It is really easy to figure out. I strongly suggest that anyone with a flair for creativity go check this site out.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Big Basement Project
A few months ago Aaron and I embarked on the journey or transforming our basement from being a nasty cement hole into being a man cave/ organized storage area.
This has involved lots of weekends spent with Dad Lehman, plus a little bit of outside help. The project has taken waaaaayyy longer than we planned, but I'm sure the end result will be worth it. We are at the point where the drywall needs to be mudded and sanded. Then we can paint. Yay!
Since the sanding is such a messy job we decided it would be best if we removed all of our belongings from downstairs up to the front porch. Keep in mind that we have not yet sorted through all of our belongings from our pre-married lives, so essentially 50% of what we moved was junk. Now our screened in porch looks like something from an episode of "Hoarders"; but we hope to start sorting through all the boxes very soon. We've already planned a joint garage sale with some good friends of ours. I've also made a pack with my friend Jessica that we will not move the junk back into our houses after said garage sale. The sale is set for June 18th, so our basement is sure to be nice and organized before we miss too much summer sunshine.
Here are some lovely "before" and "during" photos of our basement:

This has involved lots of weekends spent with Dad Lehman, plus a little bit of outside help. The project has taken waaaaayyy longer than we planned, but I'm sure the end result will be worth it. We are at the point where the drywall needs to be mudded and sanded. Then we can paint. Yay!
Since the sanding is such a messy job we decided it would be best if we removed all of our belongings from downstairs up to the front porch. Keep in mind that we have not yet sorted through all of our belongings from our pre-married lives, so essentially 50% of what we moved was junk. Now our screened in porch looks like something from an episode of "Hoarders"; but we hope to start sorting through all the boxes very soon. We've already planned a joint garage sale with some good friends of ours. I've also made a pack with my friend Jessica that we will not move the junk back into our houses after said garage sale. The sale is set for June 18th, so our basement is sure to be nice and organized before we miss too much summer sunshine.
Here are some lovely "before" and "during" photos of our basement:
Monday, April 11, 2011
Life Last Week
First of all my brother is doing much better. :) Thanks to everyone who asked about him and prayed for him. The consensus was that he was having some trouble with his gallbladder. He got to come home Friday and his gallbladder is still intact. Yay!
In other news two ladies from my church had their babies last week. More Yay! Congrats to the Rohr family and the Ware family. :) Sadly, I spent last week with a stuffy nose, so there was no baby visiting for me. :( But I have been enjoying all the Facebook photos.
Saturday I hosted a bridal shower for my friend Kelli. It turned out quite nice and I was really proud of myself for having everything ready on time. It's so nice to be ready when the guests show up and not running around like a crazy chicken.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some party planning tricks and tips I have learned. I'm no expert by any means, but I'm willing to share what I have learned through trial and error.
That's all for now. Happy Monday Everyone! :)
In other news two ladies from my church had their babies last week. More Yay! Congrats to the Rohr family and the Ware family. :) Sadly, I spent last week with a stuffy nose, so there was no baby visiting for me. :( But I have been enjoying all the Facebook photos.
Saturday I hosted a bridal shower for my friend Kelli. It turned out quite nice and I was really proud of myself for having everything ready on time. It's so nice to be ready when the guests show up and not running around like a crazy chicken.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some party planning tricks and tips I have learned. I'm no expert by any means, but I'm willing to share what I have learned through trial and error.
That's all for now. Happy Monday Everyone! :)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A year ago today...
Today's post is in honor of my wonderful house and my wonderful brother:

A year ago today Aaron and I were just beginning the home buying process.
April 3rd, 2010 was also the day my brother called us from South Korea to tell us that a doctor there had discovered some tumors on his spine.
Now a year later, Aaron and I are the proud owners of cozy little home and my brother is doing much better. God has truly been good to us and showered us with many blessings this past year. It was not an easy year by any means. The home buying/wedding planning process is stressful and having to deal with illness in the family is never easy. But God has been there with us every step of the way. How sweet it is to trust in Jesus. :)
* I should mention that Patrick did have some troubles today. He spent this morning in the ER with bad stomach pains... But I am happy to report that he is home now and feeling much better. He was able to get some morphine and fluids at the hospital and that helped quite a bit. All lab work came back normal. We suspect that he just over did it this weekend. So hopefully he will continue to feel better. You can read more of the story on our family blog. There is a link on the right hand side of the page.

A year ago today Aaron and I were just beginning the home buying process.
April 3rd, 2010 was also the day my brother called us from South Korea to tell us that a doctor there had discovered some tumors on his spine.
Now a year later, Aaron and I are the proud owners of cozy little home and my brother is doing much better. God has truly been good to us and showered us with many blessings this past year. It was not an easy year by any means. The home buying/wedding planning process is stressful and having to deal with illness in the family is never easy. But God has been there with us every step of the way. How sweet it is to trust in Jesus. :)
* I should mention that Patrick did have some troubles today. He spent this morning in the ER with bad stomach pains... But I am happy to report that he is home now and feeling much better. He was able to get some morphine and fluids at the hospital and that helped quite a bit. All lab work came back normal. We suspect that he just over did it this weekend. So hopefully he will continue to feel better. You can read more of the story on our family blog. There is a link on the right hand side of the page.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I am in love with this website!
Check this site out. They have so many cutesy, funky things. Makes me want to start my Christmas shopping now. :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Spuds for Jesus
Q: If you take a pot of boiling water and drop an egg and a potato into the pot what happens? A: The egg becomes hard and the potato becomes soft.
This is also what happens to us as Christians when we face trials. The pot of life heats up and the water starts to boil and suddenly we are faced with two choices: We can either allow our hearts to become hardened like an egg or soft like a potato. I have found myself to be both an egg and a potato at times. Trials are hard and I don't like them. When I'm not walking with Jesus it's easy to harden my heart to what God is trying to do in my life. When I am close to Jesus, and I can see that God is trying to use my troubles for good, then my heart begins to soften to what God is doing.
I have to confess that I didn't come up with that analogy on my own. My mom heard it in church yesterday and shared it with me and Aaron over dinner last night. As I was mulling over what Mom had shared with me I said, "I guess we should be Spuds for Jesus then". It's a funny statement and pretty catchy. Although, I wish it was as easy as it sounds to respond correctly to trials. It's my goal to allow that catch phrase to sink into my brain so I'll remember to take my troubles to the Lord. I want to be a person whose heart is softened during trials and not hardened.
I would encourage those of you reading this to join me in being "a Spud for Jesus" as well. :)
This is also what happens to us as Christians when we face trials. The pot of life heats up and the water starts to boil and suddenly we are faced with two choices: We can either allow our hearts to become hardened like an egg or soft like a potato. I have found myself to be both an egg and a potato at times. Trials are hard and I don't like them. When I'm not walking with Jesus it's easy to harden my heart to what God is trying to do in my life. When I am close to Jesus, and I can see that God is trying to use my troubles for good, then my heart begins to soften to what God is doing.
I have to confess that I didn't come up with that analogy on my own. My mom heard it in church yesterday and shared it with me and Aaron over dinner last night. As I was mulling over what Mom had shared with me I said, "I guess we should be Spuds for Jesus then". It's a funny statement and pretty catchy. Although, I wish it was as easy as it sounds to respond correctly to trials. It's my goal to allow that catch phrase to sink into my brain so I'll remember to take my troubles to the Lord. I want to be a person whose heart is softened during trials and not hardened.
I would encourage those of you reading this to join me in being "a Spud for Jesus" as well. :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
March 27,2011
I bought these flowers last weekend for $1.33 at Giant Eagle. I can't believe they are still alive and still beautiful. It makes me happy every time I see them. :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hospitality is our Hobby
My favorite hobby is scrapbooking. But my second favorite hobby is being with friends. It seems since the moment we signed the papers for our house it has been full of people. In fact, all of our family was with us the day we signed the papers to start the home buying process. (They had come to see the house for the first time). One of my bridal showers was held here and all the groomsmen crashed here the night before Aaron and I were married.
Aaron and I have been so blessed by this home and all the people who make it a fun place to be. We are also grateful for all the wonderful wedding gifts that now fill our cupboards and decorate our walls. Stay tuned for pictures of our home in the future...
Tonight, I am up in the bedroom listening to the laughter of a bunch of great guys downstairs. It reminds me again how blessed we are. God had this in mind for us all along and I am so grateful.
Aaron and I have been so blessed by this home and all the people who make it a fun place to be. We are also grateful for all the wonderful wedding gifts that now fill our cupboards and decorate our walls. Stay tuned for pictures of our home in the future...
Tonight, I am up in the bedroom listening to the laughter of a bunch of great guys downstairs. It reminds me again how blessed we are. God had this in mind for us all along and I am so grateful.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
To Blog or Not to Blog?
This has been the question on my mind lately. Until recently I had considered blogging to be somewhat self-centered. I wanted a place where I could write about some of the thoughts in my head, but wondered if a blog was the right place. I have ideas and projects I want to share with my friends, but wonder if they would really be that interested. On the flip side, I love reading the blogs of some of my Facebook buddies. Two of my favorite blogs are from girls I only briefly interacted with during my two years of living in Virginia Beach.
In the end it was my husband who encouraged me to do this. I guess he figured it would be a good creative outlet for me. Although, I think he just likes the idea of me sharing my ideas and random thoughts with other girls instead of him. He is a good listener, but not nearly as concerned as I am with what decor would look best in the laundry room. Nor is he concerned with achieving delicious, quick and affordable dinners.
So if you're interested you can follow me on this blogging journey. I guess if you find some of what I write about helpful, inspiring, or encouraging then I can consider this a successful endeavor.
In the end it was my husband who encouraged me to do this. I guess he figured it would be a good creative outlet for me. Although, I think he just likes the idea of me sharing my ideas and random thoughts with other girls instead of him. He is a good listener, but not nearly as concerned as I am with what decor would look best in the laundry room. Nor is he concerned with achieving delicious, quick and affordable dinners.
So if you're interested you can follow me on this blogging journey. I guess if you find some of what I write about helpful, inspiring, or encouraging then I can consider this a successful endeavor.
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